Port Development and Expansion Plan

Port Development and Expansion Plan

In order to realise the port’s potential the Company has developed an optimisation plan designed to incorporate
the Port’s ecosystems and logistics capabilities, and will be the respective activities for industrious cargo shipments on the western side and cruise vessels on the east. The Port facilities are significantly underutilised. Reynolds Pier currently accommodates cruise vessels for only four months per year and for the remainder of the year facilitates a maximum of six limestone shipments, totalling approximately 370,000 MT.

The Company envisions Reynolds Pier being one of the top industrial ports within the region, co-existing with cruise operation. Operational efficiencies will be key to achieving this vision and JBM must secure the port as a
multipurpose port and continue to forge strategic partnership to invest in its development.

Competitive Advantage

JBM maintains a competitive advantage in the local and international market through continuous development and maintenance programmes. The port facilities at the Reynolds Pier is our flagship and remains as JBM’s most
promising asset in the bid to remain sustainable. The port is the catalyst of JBM and the plans set forth in the Port Development and Expansion Plan (PDEP) encompass the full improved operational efficiencies through human
and capital development, optimisation of underutilised assets (haul road, overland conveyor system etc.), increased revenue streams and increase positive social impact.

Jamaica Bauxite Mining Limited Corporate Plan & Financial Forecast 2024/5-2027/28 34 ecosystem (land, storage, logistics, port and off-takers). Approximately 1,000 acres of JBM’s lands contain a mix of high purity limestone (97%c calcium carbonate) and construction grade limestone. JBM also owns a latent overland conveyor system to Reynolds Pier and haul roads.

Progressive steps made in the segmentation of the Company’s assets and business units served to reposition and establish the port’s activities and assets as core to JBM’s vision. This manoeuvre was the emergence of the early stages of the development plan for the port. The Port’s management team has made significant strides, with improvements effected to loading and maintenance practices. The holistic objective is to connect the assets so they interface, with Reynolds Pier being the point of convergence for logistical operations. JBM will be able to use this approach to achieve its corporate goals.

The Reynolds Pier has distinct and unique features and it is imperative that the facility be maintained.

Project Aims

The full scale of the project aims to:

  • Improve and connect the three ecosystems – limestone lands, overland conveyor and an efficient state-of-the-art export loading facility at Reynolds Pier;
  • To expand the port, by way of pontoon (floating Pier); Increase onshore storage and loading capacity;
  • Facilitate additional mining operators at the port; and
  • Maximise and optimise the export tonnage of the port, within the existing
    limitations, being cognizant of its multi-use port and of its location in a
    tourism belt.


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